Meat Pie with Maple Candied Onions - Lac-Saint-Jean Style

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  • 250 ml (1 cup) maple syrup
  • 4 large onions, minced
  • 900 g (2 lbs) pork, cut into 1 cm (1/2") cubes
  • 900 g (2 lbs) turkey, cut into 1 cm (1/2") cubes
  • 900 g (2 lbs) chicken, cut into 1 cm (1/2") cubes
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) beef (or chicken) stock
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 batch of store-bought pie pastry
  • 8 large potatoes, cut into 1 cm (1/2") cubes
  • Cold water, as needed


  1. In a large pan, combine maple syrup with onions and caramelize over low heat for 15 minutes. Transfer the meat cubes into a large bowl, add the candied onions, beef (or chicken) stock and season. Mix all ingredients, cover and let marinate overnight in the fridge. The next day, roll out 2/3 of the pastry and lay it out in the bottom and sides of a pie dish. Preheat the oven to 180˚C (350˚F).
  2. Mix the potato cubes with the meat marinade and transfer into the pie dish. Add cold water to cover meat mixture. Roll out the remaining pastry and cover, fluting the edges. Bake for 1 hour, then reduce the oven temperature to 120˚C (250˚F) and bake for another 7 hours.

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Yield: 12 servings

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