What makes a classic vinaigrette

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What makes a classic vinaigrette

Ingredients: Good proportions

  • 1 teaspoon of mustard to taste
  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • 2-3 tablespoons oil according to your will
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1-2 teaspoon (s) tablespoon oil in addition to accompany the starchy

Choosing arranged with oil vinegar

  • Balsamic and Olive Ideal for salads dandelion, radicchio salad , tomatoes, potatoes , eggplant and coppa .
  • Nuts and Balsamic Suitable for leeks, avocado, asparagus , salsify and salads made with smoked bacon .
  • Balsamic Vinegar and Oil Sunflower Ideal for warm asparagus, eggs mimosa and red beets .
  • Cider Vinegar and Walnut Oil Perfect for lettuce , apples and chicken livers .
  • Cider Vinegar and Olive Oil
  • Perfect for spinach , apples, lentils , chickpeas
  • Cider Vinegar and Sunflower Oil Ideal for rice salads , accompanied by capers salads or sautéed prawns .
  • Wine Vinegar Shallots and Olive Oil Suitable for green beans, broccoli and potatoes, as well as seafood, salads, mushrooms , red onions , parsley, olives black .
  • Wine Vinegar juice Raspberry and Sunflower Oil For the salad shrimp.

Preparation: What makes a classic vinaigrette

  1. Start by dissolving the salt in the vinegar, add oil, mustard to taste. Beat vigorously sauce and add pepper according to your will.

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