Pork filet with blue cheese sauce

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Pork filet with blue cheese sauce


  • 60 mL (1/4 cup) Compliments olive oil
  • 15 mL (1 tablespoon) dried thyme
  • 15 mL (1 tablespoon) dried oregano
  • 2 pork filets (225 g / 7 1/2 oz each)
  • 60 mL (1/4 cup) dry white wine
  • 60 mL (1/4 cup) cooking cream
  • 60 mL (1/4 cup) crumbled Bleu Bénédictin cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Mix oil, thyme and oregano, and stir in a generous amount of pepper. Add pork filets and coat well with mixture. Allow to marinate in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours.
  2. Remove pork filets from marinade and grill in a grill pan for 8 to 10 minutes. Use tongs to turn meat over halfway through cooking. Reserve.
  3. Deglaze pan with white wine. Cook to reduce liquid by half and add cheese. Mix well and add cream. Reheat slightly. Slice pork filets on the diagonal and serve with blue cheese sauce. Accompany with new potatoes and a mix of vegetables.

Cook commentary

Serves : 4 servings
Preparation time : 15 minutes
Preparation : Easy
Cooking time : 10 minutes
Maceration time : 1 to 2 hours

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